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With the last few pence in my pocket I forked out for the "Anakin" CD released on 4AD records. Its only a cut price job, about seven of your measly earth pounds, but for this sum you get 10 tracks from the label which will all be released some time in 1998. Any good then, I hear you muttering. In one word, yes. But reviews are never just one word, are they . I was pleasantly surprised by the Scheer track, "Say what you came to say". Normally Scheer go heavy on the guitars, but this is an acoustic number, and its only when things are nice and relaxed I realised what a nice voice the singer has. In fact the majority of the CD is acoustic and slowed down. Mojave 3, who AFAIK are members of Slowdive, have a track on it, which isnt bad at all. Neil Halstead is singing on it though, lets hope that Rachel is still knocking about and putting her voice to the tunes. Another old Slowdive song from the Souvlaki LP, "dagger", is covered by the Hope Blister, which isnt bad but I'm not gone on Louise Rutowski's voice, its too opera-like. And speaking of the classical end of things, Lisa Gerrard and Pieter Bourk e have a huge big long epic of a thing on the ninth track mark. The three tenors all over again, except there isnt three of them. And this CD introduced me to Gus Gus, the "experimental" art/music collective from the frozen rock that is Iceland that have been in the press a lot lately. A nice track, very down-tempo and lazy. Rather enjoyable with a nice glass of wine, if I dont say so myself. Nice compilation.